0 Restoring Bone Density

It wasn't until 2004, when the then U.S Surgeon General Richard Carmona, warned about the dangers of osteoporosis, that this disease was being given some much needed attention. More than 44 million Americans at that time were affected by osteoporosis, and there were nearly 300,000 hospitalizations because of this condition. The statistics show that the disease has been becoming more prevalent.

Over one and half million people over the age of 62 will suffer a fracture of the spine, wrist, elbow, knee, or hip. Of the 300,000 hospitalizations mentioned above, 25 percent of those with hip fractures will die within a year. Although more women are affected, men are equally at risk. Men usually have more bone density than women and don't start losing this density until about the age of 70, whereas women start around age 62. Because of this, their healthcare providers do not monitor their bone density levels as they would with a women patient. Men need to be made aware that they are as much at risk as are women, and should discuss this with their healthcare provider.

Bone is a porous network called "trabecular bone", resembling a very fine sponge. It is also made up mineral (inorganic) and a non-mineral (organic) matrix. The most common areas where trabecular bone is lost are the spine, neck of the femur (thigh bone), the far end of the radial bone (at the wrist), shoulder, and the ribs. Other areas of the skeleton can be involved as well.

When bone density diminishes in one or more vertebrae, the result can be a crush fracture. The usual site for this happening is the 8th thoracic vertebra and below. (mid-back area). The patient may not be aware of this occurrence at the time, but as time goes on, the back develops an ache before becoming an ongoing extremely painful condition. The individual may also develop a rounded condition called a Kyphosis. This condition is also very often referred to as "Widows Hump". Very often hip fractures will occur spontaneously, even when there is no trauma associated with the occurrence. The individual may be in the act of just sitting down, or bending when the fracture occurs.

Very often the individual will not be aware that they have lost bone density, and is still losing bone density, until they have experienced some form of trauma, such as a fall, a bear hug greeting, or even when riding in a car and there is a sudden sharp stop, causing a jolt to the body. This trauma will cause the exacerbation of the condition that may have been dormant for many years.

The onset of bone density loss can be due to many different causes. These can be hormonal, inadequate intestinal calcium absorption, poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. As we get older, there can be more problems with absorption of nutrients, so loss of bone density may also be age related. If you combine poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle at an early age, you will almost be sure to develop age related osteoporosis. If the condition is not addressed at the earliest possible time, the individual becomes more prone to fractures. Therefore, if anyone starts to experience aches or pains for no apparent reasons, it is incumbent upon them to seek advice from their healthcare provider to get a definitive diagnosis and receive proper treatment. The healthcare provider will surely order X-rays that will provide evidence if crush fractures are indeed present.

Read in health hints below how to prevent and cope with bone density loss. The optimum word is prevention. The sooner one starts a program of prevention, the less bone density they will lose as they get older and will escape the pitfalls of osteoporosis.

Health Hints****

1. As mentioned above, it is important to see your healthcare provider if any symptoms are starting to occur. If the subject of doing a bone density test is not brought up, it is incumbent upon the patient to bring it up. Tell the doctor that you would like to have the test performed.

2. Diet is extremely important in the maintenance of healthy bone mass. The diet should include foods rich in calcium. These foods include dairy foods, such as yogurt, low-fat milk and cheese, preferably the low-fat variety. Green leafy vegetables and broccoli should be a part of the diet. Vary your diet by eating different vegetables each day. Fish, such as salmon, sardines scallops and oysters should be eaten twice weekly. Look for breakfast cereals and juices that have been fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Another important nutrient for increasing bone density is vitamin K and is needed for proper blood clotting. Maintaining a normal clotting factor is vital for the transportation of calcium throughout the entire body.

3. If you feel you cannot sustain a proper diet, you should take a proper supplement in order to fortify the diet, making sure that you get the necessary requirements. This too, should be discussed with your. Doctor. It is important to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement daily. The supplement you take should also contain. the needed vitamin D and vitamin K. The vitamin D aids in the absorption of the. calcium and the vitamin K in its transportation. Before the age of 50, both men and women should take 1,000 mg. of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D on a daily basis. After age 62, they should increase the calcium to 1,200 mg. of calcium and 600 to 800 IU of vitamin D. If you are not getting enough exposure to the sun, some nutritionists believe that 1000 IU of vitamin D is appropriate.

4. Smoking will decrease bone density and should be stopped.

5. Alcohol should not be used excessively. Women are permitted one glass of wine daily and men are permitted two glasses daily

6. Caffeine should be reduced as much as possible.

7. Being overweight can be a contributing factor to bone density loss and every effort should be made to loss weight.

8. Exercise can be one of the most important things you can do to maintain and improve your bone density levels. Sedentary lifestyles have been one of the greatest contributors of developing osteoporosis. It is important to keep moving as much as possible. Walk whenever possible. Swim, ride a bicycle, go bowling, golfing or play tennis, whatever suits you. Find an exercise program that you are happy with, one that you won't give up within a week or a month.

It is important to remember that it is never too late, or you are never too old to improve your bone density levels. By doing so, you reduce your chances of sustaining any type of fracture.

Dr. Emanuel M. Cane, D.C.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emanuel_Cane

0 Top Five Foods For Bone Health

If you're worried about maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis you're not alone. It has been suggested that osteoporosis affects up to 10% of the population of western nations at any given time.

Despite what advertising might commonly say, there is far more to bone health than just drinking milk. In fact, the high levels of vitamin A in milk, have been associated with increased risk of osteoporosis and lowered bone density.

Here are our top five dairy free foods for building good quality, healthy bones.

Tip 1 - Use Omega 3 Fats to Build Bones

There are many advantages for including a good quality fish oil supplement in your daily diet. Did you know though, that omega 3 fatty acids can also help to improve bone density and prevent the progression of osteoporosis?

A high level of inflammatory agents in the body, increases the activity of the cells responsible for the break down of bone. This leads to reduced bone density, and a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Regular use of an omega 3 supplement helps to lower overall inflammation and can slow down the activity of these cells.

Results from fish oil supplementation are quite fast. Supplementation with as little as a teaspoon of fish oil per day, can show results on the biomarkers for osteoporosis in as little as 4-6 months.

Tip 2 - Enjoy Blueberries In Your Smoothie

Stuck for something to add to your shakes for that breakfast on the run? Why not add blueberries?

Antioxidant rich blueberries are also a great source of osteoporosis fighting phytonutrients. In a number of studies blueberries, and other members of the berry family, have been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis as we age. Much of this protection comes from their valuable role in supporting hormones during and after menopause.

Make sure to choose organic, blueberries to avoid many of the pesticides and other chemicals that are commonly used during growing.

Tip 3 - Onions Bad For Your Breath, Good For Your Bones

Who doesn't like onions, they are good for so many different things; sautéed onions and garlic can make any meal a masterpiece. You might not realise it, but onions are also exceptionally powerful osteoporosis fighters!

Onions, are one of the highest food sources of quercetin. This nutrient has been shown to reduce the activity, and to promote the death of cells known as osteoclasts. One of the functions of osteoclasts is to break down and remove bone as part of the remodelling process.

Increasing dietary sources of quercetin makes sure that bone is being replaced faster than it is being broken down. This helps to increase bone density and prevents osteoporosis.

Tip 4 - Harness the Energy of Bees

We all know how busy bees are don't we? What if we could harness that energy to improve our bone health?

Bee products, including bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis are powerful superfoods that can really enhance your overall health. Osteoporosis and increasing bone density is no exception. In a number of different studies, bee pollen has been shown to help offset bone density loss due to the affects of ageing.

Bee pollen is a perfect accompaniment to blueberries from tip one and can be easily added to smoothies and shakes. Most health food stores stock bee pollen.

Tip 5 - Maca, Bone Booster from Peru

This root vegetable from Peru is an absolute must have for anyone seeking to reverse osteoporosis and improve bone density.

Maca, a super food jammed packed with nutrients, has long been used in natural health and traditional medicine for maintaining health and wellbeing as we age. Acting as a hormone balancer, maca helps to prevent the symptoms of osteoporosis commonly associated with menopause.

The Importance of A Healthy Lifestyle

While diet is an important part of preventing osteoporosis and preserving bone density, it is not the only part. A complete osteoporosis prevention strategy has to include regular exercise and sensible sun exposure.

Consult with your natural health provider today about other effective strategies that can help you.

Marianne Fernance is the founding Naturopath for Brisbane Naturopath Passion4Health.

For more informative articles on natural health go to our website at http://www.passion4health.com.au/articles.html.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marianne_Fernance

0 Osteoporosis/Loss Of Bone Mass

The cause of osteoporosis is generally due to bone resorption and the malfunction of the body to renew the formation of new bone tissue. Factors that play a role start in our early formative years and can be traced to poor dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Habits such as smoking, excessive use of alcohol and caffeine drinks such as coffee and colas will deplete the bones of healthy bone mass. Osteoporosis is more common in women than in men; generally in middle-aged individuals, and is greater in whites than in blacks. In women the bone loss is greater during the 4 or 5 years after menopause.

A hormonal factor may play a significant role at this crucial time. The fact that at this time in their lives the individual reduces their activities and becomes more sedentary places them at risk. An individual with osteoporosis may not have symptoms during the onset of the disease. Should the individual become aware that something is wrong, there may only be the hint of an ache in the bones, most often in the back. It could be at this time that a crush fracture in a vertebra may be caused by a minor trauma, seemingly of no consequence and usually around the mid, or lower vertebrae. Should crush fractures occur in more than one vertebra, the individual will develop a dorsal hyperlordosis (a rounded back), and an exaggerated curve of the neck.

At the onset when this occurs, the individual generally complains of an acute pain lasting for several days which later becomes a dull chronic ache in the mid and lower back. "Hip and Colles'" fractures, when occurring in an elderly individual, is generally due to a pre-existing osteoporosis. Other frequent sites of fracture are the wrists and ribs. During early childhood and up to age 35, the bone mass is regenerated faster than bone mass is lost. After age 35 especially, it is necessary to correct any factors that may be important in alleviating the things that cause the loss of healthy bone tissue and the rebuilding of new bone tissue faster than the loss. This rate of bone loss and the rate that osteoporosis develops are related to many factors as previously stated, and faulty body chemistry. Hormonal factors, the body's ability to absorb and utilize calcium, and the amount of physical activity, play a most significant role. Our eating habits and the amount of exercise in our early years, help to strengthen the bones and thus prevent the formation of osteoporosis.

Smoking and drinking large amounts of alcohol, coffee and colas that contain large amounts of caffeine as previously mentioned are risk factors that play a negative role. Fortunately, many factors that have predisposed the individual to develop osteoporosis can be alleviated to a great extent. Dietary factors that have been neglected in the early years should be improved. A diet rich in calcium-rich foods must be included in our dietary regime. Foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, green leafy vegetables are such foods. For those who are lactose intolerant, there is lactose free milk and other dairy foods. And again I must advise that smoking be entirely eliminated, along with large amounts of alcohol and caffeine drinks. A small amount of coffee and alcohol may be permitted. At this time a good calcium supplement (1000 to 1200mgs) along with vitamin D (1000mgs) should be included in the daily diet, also aids in Bone & Connective Tissue repairs.

In severe cases check with your physician who will do a complete physical, with x-rays, blood tests, etc. If a hormonal insufficiency is found, hormonal therapy may be instituted. Even if hormonal therapy is instituted, vitamin and mineral supplementation is very important. If sudden severe episodes occur, with acute onset of back pain, such as when a crush fracture or sprains and strains, falls or other trauma may develop in a disabling condition, we must institute supportive measures. The use of an orthopedic support can be a very valuable adjunct. Other very valuable measures are analgesics, and when muscle spasm is present, heat and massage can be of great value. At this time you must avoid heavy lifting (nothing over 5 lbs.), or stretching for objects above your head. Getting in and out of your car in the proper way is important in not adding insult to injury.

At this time I would be remiss in not mentioning the role of exercise. For those who live a sedentary lifestyle, this can be THE MOST important decision you can make. A good exercise program will help strengthen your muscles, especially your back and abdominal muscles that support your back. Strengthening the flabby back and abdominal muscles can be the greatest factor in the prevention of future fractures and lifelong pain and suffering. It will also restore your balance, flexibility and vitality. When you have decided that it is time to start an exercise program, you must also decide to dedicate yourself in continuing with the program. Then, your health will improve; you will feel more vital and vigorous. The exercise will also add normal bone tissue and strengthen the entire skeletal structure of the body.

DR. Emanuel M. Cane, D.C.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emanuel_Cane

0 Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone marrow transplant is a treatment that saves the lives of people suffering from deadly diseases such as cancer, but like all transplants, it is suffering from lack of donors.

The role of the marrow is to produce all the formed elements of the blood: red blood cells (or erythrocytes), white blood cells (or leucocytes) and platelets (or thrombocytes).

Normally, these cells are continuously renewed through a stock of stem cells in the bone marrow, i.e., "virgin" cells which can evolve in all types of cell.

This marrow is located in the center of long bones like the humerus in the arm, and flat bones, such as pelvic bone in the pelvis. It is very different from the spinal cord, which is part of the nervous system located in the channel formed by the stacking of the vertebrae.

Transplanting Bone Marrow-The Hows and Whys:

A marrow transplant involves taking a sample of bone marrow from a donor and reimplanting it in a patient.

Several diseases can be treated by this act. This is the case of leukemia and lymphoma, because in these diseases, cancer cells invade the marrow and then prevent it from functioning properly.

This is also the case of aplasia in which bone marrow is no longer functioning and no longer produces white blood and red blood cells.

Finally, we can also make a transplant when a harmful treatment destroys the bone marrow and therefore its cells: when there is no more red blood cells, there is a risk of anemia. The lack of white blood cells leads to infections, and disappearance of platelets is a source of bleeding.

The main problem in bone marrow transplant is graft rejection, i.e., when the recipient does not accept the donor's marrow.

In fact, each individual has his own characteristics. His tissues are defined genetically, and the immune system is programmed to eliminate all foreign elements in the body. All these properties of the tissue are called the "HLA system".

When we transplant an organ that meets the HLA criteria, it is said to be compatible. In this case, the body of the recipient accepts it, and the immune system does not destroy the transplanted organ. It is recognized as belonging to the body.

Two Types of Transplants:

The allograft, which uses donors, and the donor can be unrelated or part of the family (family related donor). Of course, the chances of finding a stranger with a compatible marrow, therefore accepted by the patient, are much rarer than in the case of a brother or sister.

Transplants are much more effective when the donor is related to the recipient. The problem is that in a family, only one child in four has the same HLA system as his sick brother.

Finally, there is the autologous bone marrow transplant, which uses the patient's own marrow. It is collected, frozen during an aggressive treatment of the patient and then reimplanted later.

Joseph C. is a pharmacist and medical documentalist.

For more information on cord blood, cord blood banking or stem cell research and therapy, please visit this website: http://cord-blood-bank.weebly.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_C.

0 Bone Malunions

An individual who suffers a broken bone has two or more fragments of one bone that have been separated from one another. When this happens, an individual will need to have the fracture set in line so that the fragments can grow back together. A doctor should perform this task.

Unfortunately, a doctor may fail in his or her duties when re-aligning a broken bone. As such, the bone may re-grow improperly. For instance, instead of a bone fusing back together at the site of a fracture, the bone may fuse back together at the sides of each fractured piece of bone.

What this may result in is an improperly healed bone. When this is the case, the victim may suffer mobility problems, a shortening of the affected bone, partial death of the bone, or a bone infection. These effects may come in addition to the pain and suffering an individual could suffer.

Often, a bone malunion will make an individual's affected body part appear misshapen. To fix the issue, a doctor may have to re-break the bone, set it in the correct place, and put the affected body part in a cast. This increases an individual's recovery time and may put him or her in more pain.

When a doctor misaligns a broken bone and the patient suffers a bone malunion as a result, the patient may be entitled to financial compensation for his or her suffering. Before pursuing legal action, victims of bone malunions are advised to discuss their cases with an experienced medical malpractice lawyer.

If you or someone you love suffered a bone malunion because your doctor failed to correctly set your broken bone, discuss your legal rights and options with the Atlanta medical malpractice attorneys of Webb, Wade, Taylor & Thompson, LLC, today.

James Witherspoon

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Witherspoon

0 Types of Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is caused by a problem with the bone cells. More than 2,000 people are diagnosed in the United States each year with a bone tumor. Bone tumors in children are common and most adolescents are less common in older adults. Cancer that affects bones in older adults is more the result of metastasis from another tumor.

There are Many Different types of bone cancer. Most common primary tumors include bone osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosarcoma, and chordoma.

The osteosarcoma is the primary malignant bone most common cancer. Most commonly it affects men of 10 and 25 years old, but can affect frequently less adults more. Often occurs in the long bones in the arms and legs rapidly growing areas around the knees and shoulders of children. This type of cancer is very aggressive with the risk of spread to the lungs. The survival rate at five years is around 65%.

Sarcoma of bone tumor, Ewing is more aggressive and affects young people 4-15 years of age entree. It is more common in men and is rare in people 30 years or more than age. Often it occurs in the center most of the bone lengths of the arms and legs. The survival rate of three years is approximately 65%, this is much lower percentage if you spread it to the lungs or other body tissues.

Chondrosarcoma is the second MOST common bone tumor, Representing Approximately 25% of malignant bone tumors. These cells originate in the cartilage and are very aggressive dog or relatively slow growth. Bone unlikable tumors many other, more common in chondrosarcoma is people older than 40 years of age. Slightly more common is men and dog in spread to the lungs potentially lymph nodes and. most commonly Chondrosarcoma affects the pelvis and bones of the hips. The five-year survival in an aggressive way is about 30% survival rate for But the slow-growing Tumors is 90%.

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) Affects the Soft Tissue, Including muscles, ligaments, tendons and fat. It is the MOST common cancer of Soft Tissue in adult life, Usually Occurs in people 50-60 years of age. MOST commonly it affects the extremities and is twice as common in evils and female. Also have a wide HFM range of severity. The survival rate at five overalls years is approximately 35% -60%.

Fibrosarcoma is much rarer than other bone tumors is more common in people 35 -55 years of age. MOST commonly it affects the soft tissue of the leg behind the knee. It is more common in men slightly than in women.

Chordoma is a very rare tumor, with a median survival of about six years later diagnosis. It occurs in adults 30 years of older than age and is twice as common in evils and female. MOST commonly it affects either top or bottom of the spine the cord.

In Addition to bone cancer, types of benign there several bone tumors. These include osteo osteoma, osteoblastoma, osteochondroma, enchondroma, chondromyxoid fibroma, aneurysmal bone cyst, unicameral bone cyst, and tumor cells giants (Which Has the Potential to become malignant). Like with other types of benign tumors, they are not cancerous.

Two other common types of relative cancers that develop in the bones, lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Lymphoma, a cancer in the cells originate that of the immune system, so lymph nodes usually starts in, but can start in the bone. Multiple myeloma in the bones begins, but generally is not considered bone tumor, since it is a bone marrow tumor cells of the bone and cell.

The author is health educationist by profession and has a good amount of experience in this field where he will help you out with the information on Bone Cancer Prognosis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Saqib_Mohammed

0 Donate Bone Marrow for Money

Most people are familiar with bone marrow donations for transplants. The process is generally among family members and the donations are without compensation. However, rising in popularity is bone marrow donation where the bank pays for quality marrow. They prefer to accept marrow from healthy people between the ages of 18-60. You can donate your marrow today. Most donors can expect to receive $125 for 25-cubic centimeters; $200 for 50-cubic centimeters; $450 for 100-cubic centimeters of bone marrow.

Requirements for Donation

Not everyone can donate their bone marrow. Do research and learn everything you can about the topic of donating. Make certain you read about the risks involved in donating, also called, "bone marrow aspiration."

You must be between the ages of 18-60, a body mass index of less than 40, be in good health, be free of any sexually transmitted diseases, and have not donated whole blood in the last 56-days. There is a list which goes into more extensive details at: marrow.org.

Know your facts. Some individuals are asked to cover the costs involved with tissue typing. This is a test which will see what tissue type you are and will match your donation with a recipient. Sometimes this test can costs about $52. There may be additional tests and examinations involved to make certain you don't possess any genetic or infectious diseases which can be passed on to the transplant recipient.

Undergoing the Procedure

There are two different types of removing bone marrow. One procedure may cause more pain than the other. One procedure involves removing blood stem cells collected directly from your blood. This procedure is called, peripheral blood stem cell donation (PBSC). For about four days before the procedure, you will be given a medication to stimulate the production of blood stem cells, so there are more in your blood stream. The medication is generally an injection. On the fifth day, the blood stem cells are collected from your blood donation using a process called, apheresis. This process generally takes about four to six hours. This type of donating procedure is less painful. The second type of procedure is called, aspiration. The process involves an incision with the insertion of a 25-guage needle which penetrates the bone. Often times it removes bone marrow from the hip area or the iliac crest of the pelvic. Usually, an anesthetic is given. This type of procedure is more painful. Some clinics do not offer both procedures and generally offer one procedure of their choice.

After Your Appointment

Many people, after donating their bone marrow, feel weak for seven to fourteen days. About a week after the donation, the tests results on your bone marrow should be complete and a check will be sent to you in the mail.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur and has been making a living online for over 12 years. He has been totally free from the 9 to 5 rat race since 1998 and enjoys every moment of it! Would you like to make more money starting today? Then join Scott on a journey of over 1,000 Ways to Make Money and 1,000 Money Making Ideas at 1000MoneyMakingIdeas.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Lindsa

0 How to Fix a Broken Bone

If you are searching for how to fix a broken bone, I am assuming you do not mean how to set it when it breaks.

X-rays need to be taken and the bone properly set by someone who is qualified.

What you really want to know and what I will discuss here, is how to heal a broken bone. I will share some of my discoveries through my experiences with 2 broken hips and a broken shoulder. My findings have really worked for me.

My broken shoulder happened less than one year ago. My doctor was concerned that I might need surgery to repair it. Imagine my relief when the doctor told me 4 weeks later that I wouldn't need the surgery. After seeing my x-ray, he said that my shoulder was healing 2 weeks ahead of schedule. He was really amazed that the bone had healed so well at my age. I am 83 years old!

There are several nutrients that are absolutely necessary for fixing your bones. In our country we are bombarded with advertisements by the dairy companies about drinking milk to get all the calcium you need for healthy bones.

The impression is often given that calcium and vitamin D are all we need. I am not saying that we don't need calcium, but that is just a small part of the formula.

There are several nutrients that work together to make strong bones. You need at least...

* Calcium
* Magnesium
* Boron
* Vitamin D3
* Vitamin C

Researchers have learned that even large quantities of calcium will not make strong bones, if not balanced with the other necessary nutrients that help it to be absorbed. Otherwise, the calcium will not stay in your bones. Of course, it goes without saying, that you need to avoid junk food.

The other essential factor for fixing a broken bone is to do some form of exercise when it is possible. After I broke my shoulder, I began exercising as soon as my orthopedic surgeon suggested I should. Each day, I let my arm hang loose from the sling for short periods and began raising my arm as far as possible. I feel sure that helped with the healing process.

I hope this has helped you if you have a broken bone that needs fixing. If your doctor has not offered any nutritional help, you might need to find an integrative physician that is familiar with nutrition.

For more information on nutrition for healing bones, and her experience as a nutritional researcher, click over to Muryal's blog at: Reverse Osteopenia

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Muryal_Braun

0 Bone Cancer Metastasis

An estimated 60% to 84% of patients with cancer develop bone metastasis. Of these 70% experience pain syndrome which is difficult to manage, of which 50% die without adequate pain relief with a poor quality of life. It is therefore necessary to have accessible and effective medications for the management of this condition. One of the most common pain syndromes in patients with advanced cancer is bone metastasis. This is difficult to manage and control in clinical practice. Currently, scientific advances in cancer detection and treatment have prolonged life expectancy in patients. Unlike the case with the phenomenon of bone pain in cancer, where current treatment strategies are not significantly effective. Most palliative treatment of bone pain are based on clinical studies on pain management in patients or in experimental models is not well designed this could explain why the drugs used are partially effective. Today, one of the main obstacles in developing new, safe treatments to control bone pain is the absence of basic science knowledge in the physiology of bone pain.


The pain in cancer patients is usually multifactorial, may arise from the process itself, treatment side effects or both. For these reasons the approach and management of this symptom should be multidisciplinary. Pain syndrome occurs either by local proliferation or tumor invasion of a metastatic tumor from a distance. With metastatic bone pain often reflects the presence of a tumor in breast, thyroid, prostate, kidney, lung or adrenal.

Physiology of bone pain

Bone pain is associated with tissue destruction by osteoclast cells. Normally, osteoclastic bone resorption are in balance with bone formation mediated by osteoblasts. In neoplastic osteolytic activity is increased and there are substances such as cytokines, local growth factors, peptides similar to parathyroid hormone and prostaglandins. Autacoids are also released other owners as potassium ions, bradykinin and osteoclast activating factors. These tissue substances play an important role in sensitizing the neural tissue against chemical and thermal stimuli, lower thresholds for discharge of the neuronal membrane, produce exaggerated responses to stimuli above the threshold and result in discharges of tonic impulses normally silent nociceptors. This phenomenon is called peripheral sensitization and primary hyperalgesia and is understood as events occurring within the ranks of the injured tissue and stimulate peripheral nociceptors (C fibers and A delta fibers) translating pain. In bone tissue of the sensory receptors are located primarily in the periosteum, whereas the bone marrow and bone cortex are insensitive. This phenomenon of peripheral sensitization results in abnormal sensitivity to pressure surrounding skin (allodynia and hyperalgesia), pain in muscles, tendons, joints and deep tissues in contact with bone. This is limited to ensure that the peripheral ends have a greater capacity for alarm response to injury.

The constant presence of harmful process, stimulating nociceptive receptors gives the introduction of a subacute pain that tends to be chronic with the growth of bone metastases. These stimuli lead to another prevalent phenomenon called central sensitization important which includes abnormal amplification of incoming sensory signals to the central nervous system, particularly the spinal cord. The phenomenon occurs because of the persistent input stimulus through the fibers C. This spinal cord triggers a temporary increase in the power of silent synaptic terminals. In this process plays an important role of glutamate receptor N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). The resulting amplification of the signal generated in the postsynaptic neuron sends a message to the brain which is interpreted as pain. In short central sensitization amplifies the sensory effects of both peripheral nociceptive inputs (C fibers of pain) and non-nociceptive fibers (A of touch).

In practice the two phenomena come together in the genesis of metastatic bone pain and peripheral sensitization occurs acutely metastatic lesions to appear nociceptors and translate the information conveyed through the afferent myelinated A-delta or unmyelinated C fibers to the spinal cord where the information is modulated by various systems. With the set up process subacute begins the process of central sensitization which sensory synapses begin to activate silent. And there is a state of increased central perception. By becoming chronic pain phenomenon becomes even more complex because all that is in contact with the area of injury becomes a powerful generator of pain. The touch, muscle movement or joint pain result, manifesting the phenomena of allodynia and hyperalgesia much more marked.

With progression and growth of metastatic disease can appear phenomena of compression of peripheral nerves, nerve roots or spinal cord. Then the pain can refer to other dermatomes, further complicating the initial picture painful. This condition becomes a debilitating factor for the patient and to be inadequately controlled could trigger the phenomenon of total pain detailed below.

I M Currently doing my doctorate and felt immense need to help the people about the Bone Cancer

Web Url: http://www.bonecancerprognosis.org

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anjuman_Khan

0 The Hand: Anatomy and Medical Issues

Basic Anatomy
The hand has a very complex anatomy. There is a fine balance between the flexor tendon system, principally from muscles in the forearm that bend the fingers into a grasp, the extensor muscle tendon system from the extensor muscle side of the forearm, and the intrinsic muscles in the palm and proximal portion of the hand.

The tendons that originate from the muscles in the forearm all pass through tunnels. On the extensor side of the wrist, the extensor retinaculum is a thick sheath of fibrous tissue which keeps the tendons from bowstringing, and allows the tendons to function effectively in extending the hand. The forearm muscles that generate the flexor tendons pass through the carpal tunnel, and then in the hand pass through multiple tunnels, which are easily described best as located at every place in the palm where there is a skin crease, in the middle palm and at the base of each phalangeal joint.

Every finger including the thumb, has nerves, arteries, and veins on each side of the digit. This supports the circulation and the sensation to those fingers. Knowing where the neurovascular is would allow at the time of laceration or injury the physician to know the risk to the nerve or the circulation that any particular injury has caused.

A finger can usually get by with one artery and one vein, because the circulation from the opposite side of the finger will usually be sufficient and cross over and fill the need. But if the nerve is lacerated one must expect loss of sensation distal to that laceration. The most important sensation of the fingers to preserve or attempt to restore by surgical repair would be both sides of the thumb, the radial side of the index and long finger, which is necessary for effective sensory pinch, and the ulnar side of the ring and little finger, which commonly are in contact with the surface. It is not that the other areas of sensation are not useful, just not as important.

Laceration / Amputation
Lacerations of flexor tendons can be serious injuries and may need special skills of a surgeon and then special physical therapy for the hand, usually also with a hand therapy specialist. Extensor tendon lacerations and repairs are more "forgiving', and are commonly repaired, even in the emergency room, followed by appropriate splinting and then appropriate therapy.

Amputation of fingertips or phalanges beyond the mid of the middle finger are seldom "reimplanted". They are usually treated with a primary wound closure, or treated "expectantly" with continued wound care of the amputation site (which is left initially open), but does require continued wound care for 4-6 weeks. This is a technique that has the advantage of preserving the maximum length possible of the digit that has been partially amputated. This technique is time consuming and does require a very cooperative patient, but will usually offer a benefit.

Reimplantation means re-attaching the amputated part, finger, or other part of an extremity to the remainder of that extremity or hand. It is usually done by a very specialized surgical team at a referral center. Everything must be ideal. The surgery takes many hours and the recovery takes many months. The results are seldom perfect and almost always a compromise after significant trauma and investment of a great amount of time, cost, and effort. This effort is usually considered primarily for a dominant hand, a thumb, an index finger particularly in a younger injured patient where activity function and job function makes the effort and the commitment reasonable. Reconstruction must be considered an exceptional and not a common procedure, and the choice for reconstructing the amputation site, as opposed to reimplantation, is generally most preferable in a working person and early return to function is highly desirable.

Fractures of the Hand
Fractures of the hand usually require an attempt to achieve close to anatomic or anatomic realignment. The type of reduction can be closed, or non-surgical, just by manipulating the fracture externally. It can surgically open. There can be multiple types of fixation devices used internally surgically, screws, and plates; externally there can be pins applied through the skin and casts and external fixators. It remains important to allow the hand, wrist, and forearm to regain function and use as early as possible, but safely.

Fractures do need to be assessed, however, in 3 planes: the front plane, the side plane, and also the rotational plane. If a fracture heals with a rotational deformity of the metacarpal or finger, it will underlap or overlap the adjacent fingers. It is an issue like this that will commonly force one toward a more aggressive and even surgical approach in treating a hand fracture.

An exception to the above is known as treating the "boxer's fracture." This is a fracture of the distal end of the fifth metacarpal commonly angulated 20-45 degrees usually occurring either in a fight or hitting a hard surface, such as a wall with one's hand. A study done over 30 years ago demonstrated that reducing a boxer's fracture surgically does not give as good a result as just splinting the fracture, as long as it does not exceed an acceptable degree of flexion deformity, with that splint maintained for approximately 3 weeks. Then early function is attempted, and early movement encouraged. This noninvasive technique and treatment has given very good results with very few complaints, very little stiffness issues whereas the surgical approach had far less desirable results, though surgery may be considered for an exceptional case.

The phalanges are notorious for having hyperextension and twisting injuries, and it is common to see minor chip fractures about the joints of the fingers. Though these fractures seem minor, they are always accompanied by damage and injury to the ligaments, the capsules of the joint, or the tendon attachments to the joint. These injuries should be evaluated and a treatment plan established by a skilled practitioner. They should not be ignored or just treated with extension splinting or buddy taping. Dislocations of the joints of the digits are common in sports, and they, too, need to be assessed clinically and radiologically to be certain that there is no more serious injury that needs to be addressed.

Fractures of the distal joint are commonly caused by having a ball hit awkwardly off the extended finger. This may cause either a fracture of the tuft of the phalanx, or can cause a hyperflexion of the distal joint tearing the extensor tendon, usually with a flake of bone off its insertion site. This is known as a mallet finger, and can usually be treated simply after an x-ray to demonstrate that there is no deformity of the joint by a hyperextension splint that needs to be worn until there is evidence of healing. Occasionally surgery is necessary to repair the tendon and the bony fragment into its normal site. Epiphyseal fractures through the growth plate in children need special attention to minimize deformity, which sometimes cannot be avoided, depending on the damage to the epiphysis (growth plate) and should not be ignored by the parents.

Diagnostic Tools
The mainstay of diagnosis is the physical clinical exam by a physician skilled and knowledgeable in hand anatomy and function. X-rays are the primary line of diagnostic study. As most x-rays are now principally digital, they can be reviewed by a consulting physician on an almost-immediate basis. By accessing the films online, there is little excuse for having potential complex injuries not identified as the injured party passes through the emergency room. Computerized x-ray scanning such as CT scan is generally used in the hand solely to identify complex fractures of the carpal bones and/or the wrist in anticipation of surgical reconstruction.

MRI, magnetic resonance imaging is helpful in several ways: one is identifying soft tissue injury, as the MRI is more specific for soft tissue injury than a CT scan or x-ray; another is evaluating the rare risk of tumor or deep infection; also MRI is useful for identifying the subtle circulatory changes and the response of the bone that has been injured; and, it can be a useful diagnostic tool for the complicated wrist or hand problem, acute or chronic, when diagnosis seems very elusive.

Medical-Legal Considerations
Clearly, the hand functions with its tendons, its nerves, its vascular circulation, its multiple carpal bones, metacarpals, and phalanges as a very complex part of our body, needing particular care. That care should include proper diagnosis in an early and timely way and skilled treatment for an ideal result.

Dr. John Toton is an Orthopedic Expert for American Medical Forensic Specialists. Visit AMFS to get more information on Medical Expert Witness articles and opinions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_John_Toton

0 What Is Hemoglobin And How Does It Affect Your Health?

Hemoglobin in essence is what transports oxygen from the lungs to the other cells in the entire body. Oxygen is the most basic element of human life and its need in the body is very important. There are many health conditions that in particular have to pay very close attention to measuring the amount of oxygen that is actually in their hemoglobin. Such conditions as asthma, COPD, and other respiratory conditions require that there be a constant monitoring of the oxygen levels in order to ensure that the body is getting enough. In the medical field the measure of the amount of O2 in the blood is referred to as SpO2 or also known as blood oxygen saturation. It is this blood oxygen saturation that those that have various kinds of respiratory conditions need to keep an eye on and to closely monitor. The primary medical device that is used to measure the SpO2 is a pulse oximeter.

The way that hemoglobin can affect your health directly is when not enough of O2 is being transported to the cells in your body and as a result you will begin to have various detrimental health affects that are not so easily fixed. If for example you have asthma then one of the biggest concerns is always the fact that you need to keep a very close eye on your oxygen levels in order to make sure that you prevent an asthma attack. When there is not enough of it in your system then you run the risk of an attack which can be very dangerous to your health. One way to measure this and to prevent an attack is to closely monitor it with the use of a pulse oximeter. What the device does in fact is that it uses special infrared technology to measure the percentage in the bloodstream.

The latest can be found at http://www.pulseoximetersupply.com of pulse oximeter technology.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_Walters

0 Type 2 Diabetes - Hemoglobin A1c: A Useful Test for Diabetes Control

It is widely acknowledged good Type 2 diabetes care rests on a foundation of patient knowledge. Knowing what care you should receive is vital, since not even all doctors are aware of the guidelines set by the American Diabetes Association. A survey published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in the year 2002, estimated only 30 percent of people with diabetes had a hemoglobin A1c, (HbA1c), test during the previous year. This is a crucial test which should be given to all people with diabetes at least twice a year.

Are you a diabetic? Does your doctor advise you to have your hemoglobin A1c taken every three months? Are you wondering why you still need to have your hemoglobin A1c examined when you already check your blood sugar level regularly? What is Hemoglobin A1c? What is the importance of having this laboratory test?

The hemoglobin A1c is the stable glucose portion on the beta-chain of the hemoglobin, the oxygen transporters of red blood cells. It is formed by an irreversible reaction when red blood cells become exposed to glucose. And because it is irreversible, no diabetic can ever alter or manipulate the results of his or her hemoglobin A1c. Therefore, it is the single best test to monitor a diabetic's overall blood sugar control for the past three months.

Hemoglobin A1c values are a strong indicator for the development of long-term complications of Type 2 diabetes. In fact, the risk for diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, and diabetic nephropathy can be easily projected by just looking at the previous HbA1c results. Cardiovascular disease, another complication of diabetes, is also another risk seen with the rising values of HbA1c through smoking, hypertension and increased blood lipid levels can also trigger its development.

What are the usual indications for hemoglobin A1c monitoring? Everyone with diabetes who needs constant monitoring and tight blood sugar control need to have their HbA1c level checked once every three to six months. However, it can be performed more often in cases where treatment management is changed rapidly or drastically. As well, anyone who is known to be at high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes should also undergo this laboratory test according to the Johns Hopkins Point-of-Care Information Technology Center.

How do you interpret your HbA1c results? The HbA1c percentage is the average blood sugar control for the past three months. It accounts for all the highs and lows of blood sugar spikes and troughs, this test is a better indicator of your overall status than the fasting blood sugar test. Non-diabetics usually have a HbA1c value of 4 to 6 percent. People who have a result of 8 percent have poor blood sugar control while those with a reading higher than 10 percent have uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is considered controlled when the reading is less than 6.5 to 7 percent.

What are the limitations in HbA1c monitoring? Anything that can possibly decrease the survival rate of red blood cells also affects this value. Therefore, people with hemolytic anemia, a condition where individual red blood cells burst, have lower HbA1c values. In contrast to this, an increase in the lifespan of red blood cells, such as in aplastic anemia can also increase the hemoglobin A1c value independent of the blood sugar level.

A report published in the Lancet, May 2009 reported that diabetic patients who lowered their hemoglobin A1c value by just 1 percent over 5 years can reduce the overall rate of heart attacks by 17 percent and fatal and non-fatal heart attacks by 15 percent. It seems worthwhile to me in order to savor life longer!

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions ... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.

Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beverleigh_H_Piepers

0 Hemoglobin Around The Globe

Commonly abbreviated as Hb, Hemoglobin, or Heamoglobin, is the iron containing oxygen in our red blood cells which transport metalloproteins. All mammals on earth have hemoglobin, as it is a necessary function in the blood. It contains globin, apoprotien, and four heme groups (organic molecules with one atom of iron attached to each).The gene for the hemoglobin protien can sometimes mutate. This occurence results in one or more of many diseases, but most commonly turns into Thalassemia or Sickle-cell disease.

Heme groups are located in each sub-unit of a hemoglobin [http://www.hemoglobinspot.com] molecule. A heme group consists of a single iron atom, held in a heterocyclic ring, commonly known as a "porphyrin". Oxygen binding takes place in this iron atom. The one iron atom binds itself equally to all four nitrogens in the center of the heterocyclic ring, which lies on one plane. In addition, two bonds perpendicular to the plane on each side, are sometimes formed with the iron to produce the fifth and sixth positions.

The name hemoglobin comes from "heme" and "globin". Globin is a generic term used for a globular protein. Since any single subunit of hemoglobin is made of a heme imbedded in a globular protein, the name makes perfect sense. There are many heme containing hemoglobins and proteins. Hemoglobin A is the most commonly known.

In adults, the most common hemoglobin is a tetramer (hemoglobin containing 4 subunit proteins) called hemoglobin A. The subunits are similar in structure, and approximatly the same size. Each subunits molecular weight is about 16,000 daltons, for a total combined molecular weight in the tetramer of approximatly 64,000 daltons. A single heme is contained in each subunit of hemoglobin, so that the overall binding capacity of human adults hemoglobin for oxygen is four oxygen molecules.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Tyler Brooker is the owner and operator of The Hemoglobin Index [http://www.hemoglobinspot.com] - [http://www.hemoglobinspot.com], which is the best site on the internet for all hemoglobin related information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tyler_Brooker

0 Hemoglobin A1C Blood Test Isn't Perfect

The hemoglobin A1C is a great blood test for type 2 diabetics, but not for diagnosing diabetes.

Don't misunderstand. I love the hemoglobin A1C blood test. It doesn't require fasting. It can be done in the doctor's office with a fingerstick just like your glucose monitor, and you can know the results before you leave the office. And it lets you know how your blood sugar has been doing over the past two or three months. It sounds perfect.

But it isn't. For diabetes management you and I need to know what our blood sugar is doing all the time, not just every three months. A great HGA1C reading does not mean there have been no hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic episodes over that time. So the hemoglobin A1C cannot replace daily checks with a glucose monitor and log book records.

Taken together with daily readings, the hemoglobin A1C gives an accurate picture of whether you are keeping your blood sugar in the ranges that will keep away the complications. There is more and more evidence that an HGA1C between 6.5 and 7 will do just that.

And here's an encouraging fact. If your A1C was 9 and you lower it to 8, there is a 20% reduction in risk of complications even though you aren't in the target range yet. That's good to know. You should also know that the American Diabetic Association says to get the test done every three months if your are diabetic.

Here's how it works. Hemoglobin is the medical term for red blood cells, and glycated hemoglobin is the term for red blood cells with sugar stuck to them. Over the life of a red blood cell, which is 120 days if all goes well, more and more sugar sticks to it as it travels through your bloodstream.

The amount can be measured accurately, and doctors know how much should be on each normal cell. If the level is high, that signals diabetes. The amount is reported as a percentage. That is why HGA1C numbers are so different from the readings you get from your glucose monitor.

So What's a Good Number?

This is where things get a little muddy. Depending on where you go for numbers, you'll get slightly different answers. The American Diabetes Association says a number under 7%, or 7, is a good target for a diabetic. Endocrinologists (M.D.'s who are diabetes specialists) have agreed that 6.5% is a better goal.

Non-diabetics have numbers in the range of 4-5.9%, and when the test number goes over 6.0%, some doctors tell their patients they might be diabetic. This is the danger of using the HGA1C to diagnose diabetes. Here are some reasons why.

There can be at least a half percentage point difference between two tests depending on how they are done. With home testing (a kit you can buy), the blood from a fingerstick is put on a card and mailed away to be tested.

The doctor's office test is done with a machine that gives results in 6 minutes but can be off a little because of the method. The most accurate test is done with a vial of blood at a testing facility or hospital, because they have national standards for constant recalibration, and the test is read using a more sophisticated method.

But even after an accurate test, the numbers can be read in different ways. For example, one expert says that a 6% reading means your blood sugar average for the past two or three months is 126, but another says it is 135. At 7% it might be 154 or 170. Which one is "right?"

Small discrepancies are not a problem if you know you are diabetic and are just evaluating how tight your blood sugar control is long term. But when 5.9% is normal and 6% means prediabetic according to what your doctor tells you, that tenth of a percent matters a lot for your peace of mind.

And there are other problems too. Anything that affects the life or health of red blood cells can make the hemoglobin A1C tests inaccurate for diagnosing diabetes. Any kind of anemia or illness, a change in medication, and even donating blood can affect the test. It is not used for testing gestational diabetes because of its limitations, and doctors still use the glucose tolerance test for that.

For diagnosing diabetes, the glucose tolerance test is still the best choice. Endocrinologists agree on this. So why does a family doctor use the hemoglobin A1C for diagnosing? Perhaps because he or she is not usually a diabetes specialist, and if the HGA1C is sold as the newest way to diagnose diabetes, it's going to be hard to resist.

Diabetes is probably in half of the patients over 40 in a doctor's practice, and the machine is cutting edge stuff. But the glucose tolerance test is still the best way to know if you are prediabetic, diabetic or just fine.

It takes a while but it is an accurate picture of how your body reacts to glucose. You don't have to worry. It isn't painful (unless you count fasting and a few fingersticks). So if you know someone who has been diagnosed by a hemoglobin A1C test, I hope you advise them to get the GTT test for a confirmation and to look for an endocrinologist.

I do love the A1C test, being a type 2 diabetic, because when I'm below 7 I know I'm doing well, and I have seen proof of that good blood sugar control in my own peripheral neuropathy symptoms. When the test is used for that purpose, it's fine. I love it when my doctor says, "Do you know your hemoglobin A1C?" and I say, "Yep, it's 6.8," and the doctor says, "Wow, that's great!"

Those are words I don't hear from my doctor often enough.

Martha Zimmer invites you to visit her website and learn more about type 2 diabetes, its complications and how you can deal with them, as well as great tips for eating healthy that will make living with diabetes less painful.

Go to http://www.a-diabetic-life.com and find out what you can do to avoid many of the pitfalls of this life-changing condition, like paying for cures that don't work and spending money for things you could have gotten free. Martha has made the mistakes and done the research so you don't have to.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martha_J_Zimmer

0 Low Hemoglobin During Pregnancy

Pregnancy gives an immense joy to would be mother. But with pregnancy comes many health related issues. One of the most common issues is low hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy. During the pregnancy, in order to cater to the need of the fetus and the mother herself, a lot of hemoglobin is needed by the body. Unfortunately the volume of the blood increases during this time, but it decreases the hemoglobin. A decrease in hemoglobin beyond a certain degree may cause anemia which can result into further complications for the mother and the fetus.

In order to supplement hemoglobin, a pregnant woman is advised to take at least 28 to 30 mg of iron through supplements or diet. A pregnant woman must get her blood checked regularly for the hemoglobin count. If the levels are marginally low, doctors would prescribe iron medicines to shoot up the hemoglobin level to normal. Otherwise also the multivitamins that are generally taken during pregnancy do contain iron. One must also take care that the diet has enough iron rich food such as leafy green vegetables, dry fruits, seafood, lean meats, whole grains and cereals.

Few symptoms that are visible due to low hemoglobin during pregnancy are pale skin, frequent headaches from mild to severe, dizziness and unable to concentrate on any work, fatigue and weakness all the time, rapid and irregular heartbeats, irritability, shortness of breath, a tickly feeling in the palms and feet also a feeling of numbness in the feet and hands, slight chest ache, temperature of the body tends to be lower than normal, and pica, a condition where pregnant woman feels like eating strange things like mud, clay, paint and sometimes ice.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in the medical industry. He also offers top quality articles like:
Age Dementia Symptoms, Dementia Types

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kum_Martin

0 Herbal Remedies For Skin Acne

If you are looking for a way to treat acne naturally, why not try herbal acne treatments? Herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years to treat just about everything. Herbal remedies include ingredients that have been derived from all organic products. Some of the best acne skin treatments that involve herbal acne treatment are as follows:

Lavender Oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the few essential oils that can safely be used on the skin. Most essential oils are too powerful to be used directly on the skin and can cause someone to have a rash. Lavender, however, is mild yet is a powerful antioxidant and cure-all for many ailments, including acne. The next time you get a break out, try a little lavender oil.


This is a herbal ingredient that is taken in a supplement instead of topical. You can try Belladonna to treat acne that has reached the point where pus has formed under the surface. Most acne blemishes are bacterial infections of the skin that are filled with pus. Belladonna can also be used topically to treat these infections.

Hepar Sulphur

This herbal ingredient is used to treat cystic acne that is very painful, large and also filled with pus. You should never pop an acne pimple because it can leave scarring. However, you can use Hepar Sulphur to treat the acne blemish. This herbal is one of the best acne skin treatments for deep blemishes.


Rose is another essential oil that can be used topically on the skin. Lavender and Rose are really the only two essential oils that can be used directly on the skin without fear of a rash forming. Rose can be beneficial in treating mild forms of acne or small breakouts.

Witch Hazel

Derived from the Witch Hazel bush, it is often diluted with alcohol and sold in drugstores and used as an astringent. When used in its true form, it can be very effective at treating acne blemishes. You can use the Witch Hazel as an astringent and also the concentrated form to treat blemishes.

Kali Bromatum

This herbal ingredient can be used to treat very deep blemishes. You can purchase Kali Bromatum in health food stores or even online to help you with the most troublesome of acne blemishes.

Acne is a scourge that most of us deal with at one time in our lives. Before you rush to the doctor and start using synthetic chemicals and toxins to treat this condition, keep in mind that herbal remedies are often the best acne skin treatments.

To find out more helpful tips and information with Acne Skin Care, be sure to visit the Best Acne Skin Treatments website.

Dr Carlo Rinaudo, Chiropractor, is a specialist in providing his patients and the general public with the very best and up-to-date information on all health related matters. Be sure to visit his central website Good Health Doctor [http://goodhealthdoctor.com], for a comprehensive collection on health related topics. There you will find information about diagnosis, treatment, causes and helpful articles and products.

Yours In Good Health

By Carlo_Rinaudo

0 Homeopathic Treatment for Eczema

Eczema is a skin disease that causes uncomfortable feeling. It causes severe pain and itchiness and it affects people of all ages. Eczema generally worsens in harsh weather and during winter season. Scratching the affected areas causes sore cracks and often bleeding. The skin on the feet and hands gets deep cracks and it takes many days to heal. Some of the areas on the skin may turn in red color after being infected with eczema. Eczema homeopathic cure is the most effective treatment for people suffering from eczema.

Proper homeopathic medicines are chosen to cure eczema after studying the type of eczema. Common homeopathic medicines available for eczema treatment are sulphur, rhus-tox, mezereum, graphites, ars-alb, petroleum, calcarea carbonica, hepar sulphuris calcareum, lycopodium, dulcamara and calendula.

Arsenicum Album (Ars. Alb.) is used for curing swollen and dry itchy skin. Arsenicum Album also helps to cure skin eruptions caused by eczema. Graphites is used for curing thick dry skin that has yellow discharge. This medicine is more ideal for eczema that causes more itchiness during night. Medorrhinum is ideal for adults suffering from eczema frequently. Calcarea Carbonica is also an effective treatment for eczema. It can be used for people suffering from clammy hands as well as feet.

Mezereum is used for curing itching eruptions. Petroleum is ideal for patients suffering from dry skin mainly on the palms and fingertips. Rhus toxicodendron is recommended for persons who suffer from blisters that are swollen and red in color. Such eczema blisters cause severe itching. Sulphur is an effective treatment for eczema affected skin that has severe itching and burning.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum is recommended for people whose skin is very sensitive and gets infected easily. It is effective for people having low resistance to infection and illness. Calendula is recommended for people having irritated skin, which is likely to get infected. It helps to sooth the irritated skin and prevents infection. Urtica Urens is available in ointment or gel form and is recommended for scaly and dry eczema. Vinca Minor is helpful to treat red and itchy skin.

eczema homeopathic cure is available in many forms and can be used by people to get rid of eczema. You should consult your homeopathic doctor for proper treatment for eczema.

By Ruth_Caldon

0 Love Is the Best Medicine

Most of us want to lead healthy happy lives and when we get sick we usually go to a doctor who gives us some medicine, performs a procedure, does surgery - whatever he or she believes will relieve the symptoms. What we really want is not treatment but healing. We want whatever is causing the symptoms to go away leaving us free of disease or free of the problem. While we want healing, yet, the word "healing" conjures up strange and interesting thoughts. The concept of healing belongs back in Biblical times or times when miracles happened. Right? Wrong.

Healing is a concept of now. It is as relative today as it ever has been - perhaps more so. Dean Shrock addresses the issue of healing head on in his book, "Why Love Heals: Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine." This is not a just-published book but its relevance continues. It is a book that should be read by everyone in the medical profession and para-professions as well as by those who are experiencing illness or want to prevent illness.

Science has clearly demonstrated that love has a profound and positive effect at a cellular level and brings about positive change in the body. Shrock, who had seen remarkable results in his work with cancer patients using guided imagery, drew heavily from science, quantum physics, energy medicine and spirituality to make his compelling case that it is love that heals. If you believe that a human being is no more than a machine, you will not agree with Dean Shrock and his conclusion that love is the healing agent. If you have an open mind to new information based on the findings of science and you believe that we as humans have a spiritual component, you will find his presentation that love heals a powerful one.

It shifts the responsibility for our health directly onto us and demands that we be aware and in control of our thoughts and emotions. It demands that physicians and other health care professionals be aware of their powerful personal impact on their patients and that they carefully design their "bedside manner" to be used as a therapeutic tool.

I encourage you to get this book "Why Love Heals" by Dean Shrock, Ph.D. and read it carefully and reflectively, with an open mind and spirit. It will change your perspective on disease, health and healing and could, quite literally, save your life or the life of someone you love.

Irene Conlan has a Master's degree in Nursing, a Ph.D. in metaphysics and is a certified hypnotherapist in Scottsdale, Arizona. Now retired, she is the founder and manager of The Self Improvement Blog and hosts The Self Improvement Radio Show on VoiceAmerica/World Talk Radio weekly. She has two sons and three grandsons who make her retirement fun and give her ideas for the blog and radio show. http://www.theselfimprovementblog.com

By Irene_Conlan

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